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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
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squiz (12 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

30th June 2021
Windsurfing: Bradfield
Wind Direction: N
Wind Stength: 5/12
Surf / Sea State: smooth
Air Temperature: 14
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy with light rain
Max Speed: 14.56 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 18.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 30th June - Windsurf *** - River Stour at Bradfield – cloudy with light rain.

Fin – 14.56 knot max, 10.72 knot ave., 4.72 knot hour, 9.94 knot mile, 30.50 km.,0.00 knot alpha.

Fanatic Cat with Tushingham Lightning 9.4m and 39 fin.

It was always going to be marginal today but with my foil gear out of action for another week or so I was keen to have a spin on my much-loved Fanatic Cat which I have not used since 28th August, 2019! Another miserable day here in Suffolk with light rain but it eased so I headed over to the River Stour at Bradfield first to arrive at 1.30 and with a reasonable northerly onshore of around 13 mph so I got the longboard ready and rigged the 9.4. I set off down river first sailing through the moored boats at Wrabness stopping for the first photo opportunity before continuing across Holbrook Bay where I found the most wind but I not get in the straps the whole session! This is a great section of river, long and wide, just needed more wind! I slowly headed past Parkstone quay stopping by an old barge moored just off Shotley, more pics before starting the beat back, making it all the way on one tack again. Passing Michael and James out foiling but the wind was now pretty light! I decided to head back to the beach for a snack and the foilers managed to get flying in patches but it was far from ideal:( With the wind filling in slightly I set off again, hugging the shore I passed the delict boats at Mistley, then headed around the quay, scaring off the gulls on the sandbank while stopping for yet another pic! Then I carry on past the Manningtree swans and sailing club, eventually running out of river by the railway bridge. With the wind now light it was a slow slog back but at least I have the tide with me now! So a pleasant enough sail the whole length of the River Stour, missed the longboard and it definitely was not windy enough for me to foil today, even local James was struggling with his brand new 7m Severne foil sail, they do look good though, perhaps an 8m is required for the light days ?

Photo Album Here

Toys Used:
Fanatic Mega Cat 380 III 380
Tushingham Lightning 9.4
Gull Vortex large



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